Showing posts with label Scholarships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scholarships. Show all posts

Generation Google Scholarship for Women 2021-2022


Generation Google Scholarship for Women 2021-2022

Generation Google Scholarship for Women 2021-2022,Generation Google Scholarship for Women

On the off chance that you are a ladies and is concentrating in software engineering fields, this is an incredible grant opportunity for as applications are currently open to apply for the Generation Google Scholarship for Women 2021-2022. This grant is for female understudies contemplating PC sciences certificates and needs to dominate in their fields. Under Build Your Future with Google, understudies from around the planet particularly the individuals who are concentrating in PC sciences and innovation, can gain from the world greatest tech organization otherwise known as GOOGLE. Nations from Asia pacific can apply for these grants. 

Assemble Your Future Generation Google Scholarship for Women 2021-2022 is just for full time understudies who are take on for 2021-2022 scholastic year. Enlistment will be checked by google after Generation Google Scholarship champs are chosen. Effective researchers will get a measure of 1000 US Dollars. first and second year understudies from Bachelors program at an authorize college in Asia Pacific nations can apply for these grants.

اس موقع پر کہ آپ خواتین ہیں اور سافٹ ویئر انجینئرنگ کے شعبوں میں اپنی توجہ مرکوز کررہی ہیں ، اس کے لئے یہ ایک ناقابل یقین گرانٹ موقع ہے کیونکہ فی الحال ایپلی کیشنز برائے جنریشن گوگل اسکالرشپ برائے خواتین 2021-222 کے لئے درخواست دے رہی ہیں۔ یہ گرانٹ خواتین زنانہ خواتین کے لئے ہے جو پی سی سائنسز کے سرٹیفیکیٹ پر غور کررہی ہیں اور انھیں اپنے شعبوں میں غلبہ حاصل کرنے کی ضرورت ہے۔ گوگل کے ساتھ اپنے مستقبل کی تعمیر کے تحت ، سیارے کے آس پاس کی چھوٹی چھوٹی باتیں خاص طور پر وہ افراد جو پی سی علوم اور جدت طرازی میں توجہ دے رہے ہیں ، دنیا کی سب سے بڑی ٹیک تنظیم سے حاصل کرسکتے ہیں بصورت دیگر وہ GOOGLE کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے۔ ایشیا پیسیفک سے تعلق رکھنے والی ممالک ان گرانٹس کے لئے درخواست دے سکتی ہیں۔


اپنی مستقبل کی نسل کو جمع کریں گوگل اسکالرشپ برائے خواتین 2021-2022 صرف کل وقتی زیر تعلیم طلباء کے لئے ہیں جو 2021-222 تعلیمی تعلیمی سال میں حصہ لے رہے ہیں۔ جنریشن گوگل اسکالرشپ چیمپز منتخب ہونے کے بعد گوگل کے ذریعہ اندراج کی جانچ پڑتال ہوگی۔ موثر محققین کو 1000 امریکی ڈالر کی پیمائش ہوگی۔ ایشیا بحر الکاہل کی اقوام میں ایک اختیار والے کالج میں بیچلرز پروگرام سے پہلے اور دوسرے سال کی تعلیمات ان گرانٹس کے لئے درخواست دے سکتے ہیں۔


Deadline to Apply for Generation Scholarship is 29th March 2021

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Only female candidates are eligible to apply
  • Students who are currently enrolled as a full-time student for the 2021-2022 academic year
  • Be a 1st year or 2nd year student in a Bachelors program at an accredited university from Asia Pacific
  • Are studying computer science, or a closely related technical field
  • Have a strong academic record
  • Exemplify leadership and demonstrate passion for improving representation of underrepresented groups in computer science and technology.

Countries Eligible for Google Scholarship for Women

  • Bangladesh
  • Brunei
  • Cambodia
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Laos
  • Malaysia
  • Mongolia
  • Myanmar
  • Nepal
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Sri Lanka
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam

Documents Required

  • Your Resume
  • copy of your current or most recent transcript 
  • copy of your two short answer responses
  • General contact information and details about your current and intended universities

How to Apply

  • General foundation data (for example contact data and insights regarding your current and planned colleges) 
  • Resume/CV 
  • Scholarly records from your current and earlier establishments (on the off chance that you have acquired an earlier degree) 
  • Reactions to two short exposition questions (Refer underneath) 
  • Google Online Challenge (Invitation to the test will be sent 5-7 working days post application cutoff time) 
  • Beneficiaries will be chosen dependent on the general strength of their expositions and application materials contrasted with the whole candidate pool or separate companions (for example first year understudies contrasted with other first year understudies.

Apply Now for Generation Google Scholarship for Women

Related Tags:

Generation Google Scholarship for Women 2021-2022
Generation Google Scholarship for Women
Generation Google Scholarship
Google Scholarship

Scholarship for Women

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TeacherOn - How TeacherOn Would Be Helpful For You

TeacherOn - How TeacherOn Would Be Helpful For You
TeacherOn - How TeacherOn Would Be Helpful For You


TeacherOn is an online learning as well as earning platform. You can learn and earn both from TeacherOn. It is being used in 125 countries of the World. The question is, How it would be helpful for us?

How TeacherOn Would Be Helpful For You​

So if you're in search of finding an easiest way of earning online or finding an assistant who help you in your studies than I'm sure TeacherOn is for you.

How would it works?

TeacherOn works for Students and Teachers both. I'm going to explained it below it.

As a Teacher​

If you're a student or belongs to any other field  and want to have a tution in part time or if you're fond of teaching then go to this platform and registered yourself now.

During registration you've to select your specialisation ( in which subject you've a strong grip). On TeacherOn you will find many students who are asking for assistance in different subject. Students search for perfect teacher according to their subject requirements. They will contact through e-mail or phone number. And have a deal with

you. If you get agree by their offer they'll assign you their task and you have to complete it in committed time. If you want to hire a student by yourself, then you've to buy coins. You'll have to spent them to hire a student for teaching.

As a Student​

Are you finding any helper or assistant for your assignments, quizes or even for your Online Exams?

TeacherOn facilitating the students by the facility of teachers who can assist you in your studies either it is online or physical. You just have to post your assignments or quizes. The relevant teacher will contact you. The teacher will assist you completely. If you also want a teacher for turion you can find them from TeacherOn too. You just have to do commitment and pay them accordingly.

So the TeacherOn is best platform for Students and Teachers as well. You can earn and Learn through this platform.

Thanks for visiting ❤️

Author: Ali Yaqteen

HEC Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Phase 2- 2020


HEC Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Phase 2

HEC Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Phase 2- 2020
HEC Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Phase 2- 2020

To Apply Click Here

How to Apply for Ehsaas Scholarship


Ehsaas Scholarship by HEC Phase II has been started only for deserving students. If you think you're eligible and deserving for Ehsaas Scholarship go ahead to Apply. If you don't consider yourself deserving then left the opportunity for deserving ones

Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship HEC has been receiving applications from students. Last Date to apply for it is 31 October. This Scholarship mean the opportunity for deserving Students to continue their studies like other students. So it's right time for deserving ones to prepare your document for Ehsaas Scholarship.

Students from poor & needy families are highly encouraged for this Scholarship. For further details watch the video above

Are you looking for others scholarships as well?

If yes, then you're at right place. We are informing our future about all the scholarships for students. Join our Whatsapp group by clicking on the button.


More About Ehsaas Program

Ehsaas Program was initiated in 2019 for poor students. There are 200,000 number of total scholarships. 50,000 scholarships will be distributed each year. Ratio of boys and girls is equal i.e 50%

Ehsaas Program by HEC is Pakistan's largest system to facilitate the students.

Article About

Scholarship:            Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship

Organizer:            HEC

Degree:             Undergraduate (only for 1st & 2nd semester students)

No of Scholarship:            50,000

Point to Keep in Mind before Applying

The Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship is for all the students of undergraduate programs (1st & 2nd semester) but in case if you have been receiving any other scholarship, you'll be considered ineligible. So be careful about that.

Authors Suggestion

I suggest you if you are a needy & deserve in real meanings, then you must have to apply for it but if you're not then please don't snatch someone's right. 

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